Modules that we're using to enable the org->member relationship.
CCK - defines the content types for org and contact
Content profile - associates the contact cck type with users. Had to be patched with this: to add a permission to allow content profiles to be administered by roles other than admin.
subuser - allow users to create users under their account, and edit/delete them.
Subuser required two patches to work with content profile. They're both found on this issue:
Permissions required to get all this working:
- content profile module::administer content profiles
- subuser::administer subusers
- subuser::create subuser
views_attach - used to put a list of content profiles on the organization node based on the 'belongs to' nodereference field on contacts.
For users who don't have the 'administer users' permission, you'd think you can visit the profile of any of their subusers, but that's not always the case. The core user module throws an access denied error when you try to visit the profile of a non-logged in user and you don't have administer users permissions. There are some cases where a non-admin user like the ones on my site might want to edit their users regardless of whether they've logged in or not. For instance, if I type in an email address wrong, I'll want to fix that, but I won't be able to visit their user profile. I can visit their edit screen, but not the user profile. The subuser module overrides the user/%/edit access_callback, but not the one for the view page. May have to adjust that in the subuser module and file a patch.